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OCPC Mini Itx Case, Hydra Italy Mini Itx Pc Case, Open Air Pc Case Built Entirely Out of Stainless Steel with Machined Aluminum Feet, SFX and Mini2 Itx Open Frame Computer Case – Black

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01 - 08 Mar, 2025
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On all orders over $60.00


The OCPC Mini (designed by HYDRA Italy) is our smallest case to date – this mini-ITX open chassis, built entirely out of stainless steel with machined aluminum feet doesn’t just allow you to create a small yet powerful system, it also lets you showcase it like it deserves.

Built around the SFX and ITX format, the OCPC Mini is perfect for all those who want their PC to be an elegant addition to their desk and not a cumbesome element of their room.

We kept a standard design for the motherboard and GPU orientation but placed the GPU on the opposite side of the motherboard, allowing you to showcase either or both.